Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another Super Junior Member Injured

Last weekend, Super Junior participated in the 24 hour Hope Marathon. Suju members Lee Teuk, Kang In, Shin Dong, Yesung, Eunhyuk, and Sungmin all participated in the event.

On the first day, Yesung sustained an injury to his leg while running in the race. Despite being injured, he got back up, and continued walking - saying that he was determined to finish the race. Unfortunately for him, he collapsed a short while thereafter and went to the hospital. Later that day, Yesung was discharged from the hospital and he went back on to the main stage of the event (on crutches) to watch his fellow suju members finish the race. After Shing Dong saw his injured buddy back from the hosptial, Shin Dong went up and embraced Yesung in a scene reminiscent from Brokeback Mountain.

Anyways, what's up with all these injuries to Super Junior members? You had Hyukjae injuring himself from falling down a stage, and Siwon having a leg injury in Taiwan. What are these guys made out of? These guys break down faster than a chinese toy. Maybe season 2 of explorers of the human body should focus on their brittle bodies. Of course, the biggest injury risk for Super Junior are their psycho fans - ELF.

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